
Psilocybin or magic mushrooms are naturally occurring and are consumed for their hallucinogenic effects. They belong to a group of drugs known as psychedelics because of the changes experienced to perception, mood and thought. The key ingredient found in magic mushrooms is psilocybin. When psilocybin is taken, it is converted in the body to psilocin, which is the chemical with the psychoactive properties.

Psilocybin or Magic Mushrooms is normally known for its recreational uses when taken in higher doses and more recently mainstream understanding about taking small precise dosages or “Microdosing” provide life changing effects with no risk of hallucination.

Historically, psilocybin has been revered by many native civilizations and religious groups for its mind healing properties and has been continually researched and applied in modern pharmacology. Only now has the world caught up with acceptance to allow for people to dose themselves safely without the threat of persecution under the restrictive drug laws of the 1960s.

Psilocybin is a psychedelic compound contained within some species of fungus that originate from Central and South America. Once ingested psilocybin is metabolized to psilocin, which in turn provides the mind- and mood-altering effects due to action on serotonin (5-HT) receptors. Both psilocybin and psilocin have very low toxicity and harm potential.

While micro dosing for each person can be a fairly unique experience, you can typically find yourself in a better mood or more focused or in a flow state of mind. Neurons are firing more rapidly and brain stimulation is heightened.